
An Awakening to New Life S/Ch [G]

Image courtesy of Paramount and Trekcore.

Disclaimer: I earn no riches from Trek other than my fantasies.

Summary: When the old life is no longer enough but the new life is like stepping off the edge of an outlook.

You walked amongst the living for so long that others think you are real, but you know it is just a form of flattery to imitate what you most admire.

Long ago the immolation of trust scarred your heart, ceased its beating, but the smile on your face blinds the crew from seeing past the artifice of your existence.

Pretending for so long--even you have forgotten you are just a shade of Life. Until you see him and he awakens your memories; you feel ventricles quicken with the jolt of rusty interest.

And you see him with newborn eyes;

You smell him in a room full of people;

You hear his voice over the din of the masses;

You go out of your way to touch him, casually at first, but later to linger;

You ache to taste the lips that speak to you of other needs.

Then, the dark horror of your loneliness crashes upon you the second you see the sun shine. You falter in the gloom of your own making. Considering whether the risk of climbing back to the surface is worth the pain of another scalding, or choosing to retreat back into the safety of the loam.

Chaos reigns in your mind and your heart. Want battles with Restraint and you discover Want plays by very different rules--or no rules at all.

The mirror looms before you but you duck away, scared of seeing the face that would stare back. Would the scars still be visible, or had they faded under the tanning of his sun?

You are drowning in the alien waters of his interest; unsure if the body will wash your shore forever or dry up with the passing of the Time. You push your way back to the surface, starved for air and pleading for respite.

And you nearly die of thirst in a sea full of options.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous27.7.09

    You say that you're not a poet, but this piece says otherwise. I really like the following lines:
    And you see him with newborn eyes;
    You smell him in a room full of people;
    You hear his voice over the din of the masses;
    You go out of your way to touch him, casually at first, but later to linger;
    You ache to taste the lips that speak to you of other needs...
    You push your way back to the surface, starved for air and pleading for respite. And you nearly die of thirst in a sea full of options.
    Thx :) angela
