
I Stand in the Shadows Sc/E, K/E [G]

Image courtesy of Fancast

Disclaimer: The characters are Paramount's, their actions are mine.

Summary: Who really is her lover?
He's calling for more power and I've nearly melted your circuits as
it is.

He loves you--I know it, but it's a selfish love. Always demanding,
always expecting from you the impossible.

I love you differently. I know your strengths and respect your

It's a fine line I walk between you. He would never tolerate my
possessiveness if he didn't know I always had your best interest at

And you would never forgive me if I made you choose between us.
I understand my place in your relationship--really I do--but allow
me some grace occasionally.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7.9.09

    I understand my place in your relationship--really I do--but allow
    me some grace occasionally.
    Love this line, id! :)
