
Longings, Hunting Grounds K/U [PG]

Image courtesy of Fancast
Disclaimer: The characters are Paramount's, their actions are mine.

Summary: When work is better left on the Bridge.

From my position on the Bridge, I watch you, your profile enticing me. You caress my shoulders casually, kneading me into submission as you dictate a message to Starfleet. I am no gender to you on the Bridge, which both flatters and offends me. To you, I just--am.

I've tried to taunt you with my legs - with this uniform that isn't hard to do. I've tried to seduce you with a flutter of my lids, but to no avail.

But the rose you gift to me in the Arboretum tells me I was hunting in all the wrong places... .


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous23.8.09

    Entertainers are always told "leave 'em wanting more." You know, you should be in showbiz...
    love ya,
