
A Beach to Share [PG]

Image courtesy of Loving James T

Disclaimer: The characters are Paramount's, their actions are mine.

I sit on the deserted beach, relishing the quiet and the sun. How did I get so lucky? I'm fortunate to have an old friend in the business. His offer for me to spend shoreleave at this most exclusive resort is a dream come true. So they're holding Carnivale on the other continent - I've been there, done that. What I haven't ever had was free reign of my own ocean….

I see the lone figure walking toward me from a distance. I watch the interloper and resent his intrusion into my kingdom. Slowly he takes shape, a steady but confident walk, an open, gauzy white shirt covering his broad shoulders. His pants, of the same light material, are wet from his stroll in the surf. The sun strikes his hair and I see highlights that remind me of ripened wheat. He's definitely not a local then; their crests of black are uniform among this species.

As you grow closer, your attention is drawn away from the sea. You see me and your pace quickens. I start to rise, intent upon leaving, not wanting my solitude interrupted, but something about you looks familiar and I hesitate. Your quick pace turns into a swift jog and I recognize you now, the civilian attire had confused my senses, but now I know who you are.

My frown turns into a smile; I would never have expected to see you here. Of all the places I could imagine you - alone, on this beach isn't one of them. Picturing you alone anywhere is hard for me to do, but in this paradise it seems nearly blasphemous. You slow your approach and I see the smile that has always made my heart do flips. It cartwheels now.

"So?" You say as you casually collapse in the sand next to me, as if this were an everyday occurrence. "Why are you here instead of enjoying Carnivale?"

"I might ask you the same thing." I challenge back with a quick laugh, enjoying the image of you relaxed and carefree for a change. Have I ever seen you so? The strain of command has always made you seem older.

"I have a friend who offered me a sweet deal." You say with that mischievous grin.

"Me too!" I exclaim. "I just didn't know how *sweet* it was -- until now."

The look on your face is just priceless… .


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