
Longings, Scared of Destiny K, M [PG]

Image courtesy of Paramount and Trekcore
Disclaimer: The characters are Paramount's, their actions are mine.

A/N: This can also be interpreted as solely K or solely Sc. Thanks Bandicca for that musing.


So another mission has gone to Hell in a hand basket. Too little information provided by those that should have known better and once again we had to wing it.

They expect me to be a miracle worker--to play God and keep you alive. How many times can you cheat death and he not get the wiser? How many times will he let me win?

The remainder of the mission can be counted in months now and I fret like any short-timer.

We're the only ship still relatively intact. Does Starfleet care? Or do they believe you're indestructible too?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9.1.10

    I agree with Bandicca - this does sound more like Scotty. Although Kirk and Scotty cared for the Enterprise deeply, Scotty treated the ship more tenderly - probably because he knew the Enterpise's mechanics so intimately. Plus, Scotty frequently nursed the ship back to health after Kirk put her through the wringer.
    Then again, I hear Kirk in "How many times will he let me win?" and the last paragraph. Kirk could be talking about himself in that last paragraph. Sounds like he's feeling somewhat vulnerable.
    Thx - k592walker
